
Out-patient treatment department - OPDT


Head of the Department: Yarmolchyk Natallia Vitalieuna, tel .: 375-162-53-17-81

The main goals of the outpatient polyclinical care department are detection, treatment (including ANONYMOUSLY), social rehabilitation and prevention of drug-related diseases of the population based on the provision of qualified medical care to people suffering from dependence on various psychoactive substances.


1. Detection of substance abusers and addicts
2. Organization of dispensary and preventive accounting
3. Prevention of disease recurrence using medical and psychotherapeutic techniques, psychological correction.

The organization of treatment-and-prophylactic work with narcological patients is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the provision of psychiatric care” dated January 7, 2012 No. 349-3 and the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care” with amendments and additions dated June 16, 2014 No. 164 -3. Accounting and dynamic observation of persons suffering from substance abuse syndrome and using psychoactive substances with harmful consequences is carried out in accordance with Resolution MH (Ministry of Health) of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2002 No. 53 "On some issues of recognizing a person with chronic alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse, the procedure and conditions providing medical care to patients suffering from chronic alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse. "

Outpatient drug treatment provided to the adult population includes:

• consultation of a psychiatrist-narcologist on the provision of drug treatment related to treatment, psychodiagnostic, psychotherapeutic, preventive and explanatory conversations with patients and their relatives, if necessary, hospitalization in inpatient departments of the appropriate profile (including ANONYMOUSLY);
• outpatient treatment of alcohol and drug addiction (including ANONYMOUSLY);
• carrying out forced outpatient monitoring and treatment in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, normative acts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
• conducting medical examinations by a narcologist for employment or passing a driver's commission, residence permit and a medical certificate for possession of a weapon;
• Examination of the medical and consulting commission (MCC) for the purpose of granting permits to carry out certain types of activities and admission to the management of motor vehicles;
• examination of alcoholic and drug intoxication, testing for the content of narcotic substances in biological media using rapid tests, pre-trip inspections of drivers, (held in the examination room around the clock);
• psychotherapeutic help;
• psychological correction.

The adolescent office provides counseling, prophylactic, therapeutic and diagnostic assistance to minors who use psychoactive substances (PAS) and their parents. Psychiatrists-narcologists are actively involved in the sanitary and educational work to promote healthy lifestyles in order to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs among juveniles in collaboration with educational institutions, commissions and inspectorates for juveniles, public organizations, and the media. Participate in the development of guidelines for specialists of educational institutions, conduct training seminars, lectures, actions on thematic health days. Also conduct preventive measures among parents who do not fulfill their parental responsibilities, prone to alcohol.

The admission of patients by an adolescent physician to a psychiatrist-narcologist is carried out on the request of citizens on their own and in the direction of subjects of prevention of neglect and offenses. All medical assistance to minors is free.

The main task of the special medical commission of UZ

"Brest Regional Drug Dispensary" (hereinafter - the Commission) is a medical examination of persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse.

The list of documents submitted to the commission when sending for a medical examination of persons drawn up in an MLP (Medical and labor dispensary):

1. Medical card of an outpatient from a polyclinic at the place of residence (in the absence thereof, a certificate).
2. Information from the psycho-neurological, oncological, tuberculosis, dermatovenerologic dispensaries about the presence (since when, the diagnosis) or the absence of records.
3. The result of a chest x-ray of the chest organs (valid for 12 months).
4. Results of blood tests for RW, HIV, viral hepatitis markers.
5. Results of general blood and urine tests.
6. If necessary (decided individually) - the results of the additional examination according to Appendix 1 to the Instruction on the procedure for organizing follow-up dispensary observations of the adult population of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the decree of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Belarus 12.10.2007 №92.

The answer to the request" One window " comes within 7 days.

ME "Brest Regional
Drug Dispensary"

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 224001 c. Brest,
lane of the Brest divisions, 2
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